Memorial Services, Burials & Funerals
Most people will work with a funeral home to make arrangements for funerals, memorial services, and burials. Others will make their own arrangements.
If you work with a funeral home, it is likely that they will contact the minister on your behalf to arrange a time, place, and any other details.
If you are arranging a service without the services of a funeral home, please contact the minister who will carefully assist and guide you through your planning.
Pioneer Memorial, Hillside – Our church hall is available for receptions following a service. If you would like more information or wish to inquire about the availability of our United Church Women to cater a reception for you, the minister would be happy to help you.
Knox, Dorset – For more information about a reception following a funeral service, catered by the Dorset LIfeliners, please contact Joanne Buss, 705-635-1821.
The church building itself is available at no cost, although donations are always welcome. When you work with a funeral home, they will suggest for you an appropriate honorarium for the minister’s services. When you are arranging a service on your own, feel free to provide an honorarium to the minister. Instead of an honorarium, or in addition to one, you can also choose to make a donation to the church in honour of the minister and the services provided to you. This recognizes that without income from a variety of sources, the church would not be able to pay the minister’s salary, and the minister would not be available to work with you.