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Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge

Easter Services at Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge

Easter Services

Lenten Study Weekly on Wednesdays- Zoom & in person at Pioneer 10 am

April 13 Palm Sunday begins HOLY WEEK April 17

April 18 Good Friday Pioneer Sanctuary 10:30 a.m.

April 20 EASTER SUNDAY All individual churches open for celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

                        Easter Sunrise Fire @ Pioneer 7 a.m.

Pioneer Memorial 9 a.m. in Hillside, 

Stewart Memorial 10:15 in Dwight 

Knox United 11:30 in Dorset.

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Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge

Lenten Study Zoom or at Pioneer- Wed’s at 10

Weekly Lenten Study, Wednesday in person at Pioneer or by Zoom

Lenten Study Weekly Wednesday Zoom & in person at Pioneer 10 am

Rev Meg will lead this in Pioneer Hall for those who do not have computers.

Meg Jordan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Meg Jordan's Zoom Meeting
Time: Mar 19, 2025 10:00 AM America/Toronto
        Every week on Wed, 110 occurrence(s)
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 941 5601 5766
Passcode: 463821


One tap mobile
+17806660144,,94156015766#,,,,*463821# Canada
+12042727920,,94156015766#,,,,*463821# Canada

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Down By The Bays Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge Down By The Bays Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge

You Fancy Yourself- Theatre at Pioneer - April 23-26

"You Fancy Yourself is a tough explosive work that sends passions spinning across the stage. Ideas tumble like battered leaves caught in a windstorm in Ardal's excoriating vision." —Hamilton Spectator


Wednesday April 23 (2pm)

Thursday April 24 (7pm)

Friday April 25 (7pm)

Saturday April 26 (2pm) 

$40 per ticket Link to purchase (You can decide whether you support the Zeffy platform. To opt out use the dropdown and check “Other” and put in 0%)

$10 from each ticket purchased will be donated to the Pioneer Memorial United Church Environmental Lighting Fixtures upgrade fund. 

Pioneer Memorial United Church is located at 2370 Hwy #60 (at the foot of Tally-Ho Winter Park Road) Hillside, Lake of Bays.


You Fancy Yourself is the story of a young girl with a vivid imagination and a stunning ability to enrich the lives of everyone she encounters. When Elsa and her family move from Iceland to Scotland, she is filled with uncontrollable joy over the new adventure she is about to begin. With her infectious energy and love for the dramatic, Elsa stands out both in her community and within her classroom, but this exuberance also targets her as an outcast.

Written and performed by AWARD WINNING playwright, Maja Ardal, You Fancy Yourself, is a hilarious and poignant tale set in the world of playground politics and childhood loyalties, and has been highly praised for its ability to awaken the youthful memories in all of us.

Doors open 30 minutes before show time. 

General seating. 50 seats/performance (If seats are available, you can pay CASH at the door.

There is a CASH concession available (by donation)

Plenty of free parking

Thank you to Capstone Market for your sponsorship!

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Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge

Victoria Day Tea- May 19, 3-4:30 at Pioneer Hall

You are invited to our Victoria Day Tea on Monday May 19 from 3:00 to 4:30 at Pioneer Hall.

Tea, coffee, scones, jams, sandwiches, sweets and a good ole British SING-A-LONG!

We hope that you will dress up for our Tea

Admission by cash donation with all funds to Pioneer Memorial United Church

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Announcements Announcements

Knox Snowball Pie & Bake Sale-Sat Feb 15, 10-3

Treat yourself to some home baking during the Dorset Snowball activities.

Knox Church has goodies for sale, to take home or to enjoy with a hot beverage on the spot.

Fruit pies, Tarts, Takeaway Treats and Hot Beverages

Cash Only

Saturday, February 15, 10:00 -3:00

Knox United Church

1012 Harvey Ave. Dorset, ON

We hope you will join us!

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Announcements Announcements

Craig Macdonald’s “Winter Survival in the Canadian North” Jan 18 2025, 1:00 at Knox

Knox Community Centre presents Craig Macdonald’s “Winter Survival in the Canadian North”. Craig has amassed a large collection of native-made snowshoes. These artifacts and his extensive first-hand knowledge of snowshoeing will be the basis of his unique and informative presentation.

Saturday, January 18, 1:00 pm

Knox United Church Community Room

1012 Harvey Ave. Dorset, ON

We hope you will join us!

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Knox United Church, Pioneer Memorial, Stewart Memorial Church Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge Knox United Church, Pioneer Memorial, Stewart Memorial Church Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge

Advent and Christmas Eve Services

On Sunday December 15, the Third Sunday of Advent we have a combined service at Stewart with all three congregations. We will be voting on the budget for 2025 and sharing a potluck finger food lunch after the service.

The Sunday before Christmas is the Fourth Sunday of Advent when we light a Candle for Love. We will be having a festival of lessons and carols in each community of faith— 9:am in Hillside, 10:15 in Dwight and 11:30a.m. in Dorset. We’d love to see you there.

In the evening on December 22 from 6-7p.m., weather permitting, there will be an outdoor celebration of the winter solstice around a fire at Megan McLeod’s place just down the hill from Pioneer Church. All are welcome.

On Christmas Eve we will have two candlelight services—one at 5 p.m. at Knox in Dorset and one at 7 p.m. at Stewart in Dwight. (N.B.Stewart and Pioneer alternate every year)

On Sunday, December 29 we begin our winter Sunday schedule at Pioneer at 10:30 with a combined service. Stay tuned to hear about plans for streaming the service to Knox in Dorset.

We wish you a very Merry Christmas with many blessings.

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Down By The Bays Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge Down By The Bays Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge

A Christmas Carol- Theatre at Pioneer United Church - Dec 12, 13 & 14

A Christmas Carol:

by Charles Dickens and adapted by William Colgate and Joan Bendon

Christmas just isn't Christmas without a dose of Charles Dickens' classic, "A Christmas Carol." Published in 1834, it tells the famous tale of a miserly old man named Ebenezer Scrooge. Over the course of the story, he is visited by the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future, who give him a new perspective on his life. Ultimately, these encounters teach him the importance of generosity, kindness, and the Christmas spirit.

Thursday, Dec 12 at 7:00

Friday, Dec 13 at 7:00

Saturday, Dec 14 at 2:00

Tickets $25- Go on sale November 4th ($10 from each ticket sold will be donated to the Pioneer Memorial United Church Furnace Replacement campaign)

Purchase Link: A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Charles Dickens (Adapted by William Colgate and Joan Bendon) (

(You can decide whether you support the Zeffy platform. To opt out use the dropdown and check “Other” and put in 0%)

 In this adaptation by William Colgate and Joan Bendon, the story is told in 60 minutes by 6 actors, playing 15 characters, with all the feels this classic brings during the holiday season.

The Larks will bring audiences into the Christmas spirit with a carol singing 30 minutes before the show starts. 

For the 7pm show- the carol singing will start at 7pm and the show will start at 7:30. For the 2pm matinee, the carol singing will start at 2pm and the show will start at 2:30pm.

There is no intermission, but goodies will be on hand prior to the show (cash donations).

Directed by Joan Bendon

Performed by: William Colgate, Ahne Crawford-Ridley, Cydney Jones, James Jones, Aussa Pennial, Phil Ridley

Doors open 30 minutes before show time. 

General seating. 50 seats/performance

Plenty of free parking

For ages 8 - 98.

FYI, Sponsorship opportunities for this show are available.

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Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge

Merry Birthday Theatre at Pioneer UC - Nov 7-9 and 13-16

MERRY BIRTHDAY – written by Lake of Bays residents J S Jacklin

After hearing Holly’s endless rants about friends too busy with the Christmas season to celebrate her birthday, members of her book club decide to invade her home with the good intention of throwing her a surprise party. While awaiting Holly’s arrival, a bevy of dirty little secrets are discovered along with a few truths about themselves.

Purchase your Tickets Here $40 each

Pioneer Memorial Hall  2370 Highway 60, Hillside, ON, seats 50 people/show, is wheelchair accessible and offers plenty of free parking. They also provide a cash concession (by donation) with all donations going to their Pioneer Memorial United Church Furnace Replacement Campaign. (Also, $10 from each ticket sold will also be donated to this campaign.)

3 performances are part of the Muskoka GIRLFRIENDS’ GETAWAY WEEKEND EVENT ON

NOV. 7, 8 and 9 at 7pm.

Also: NOV. 13 at 2pm, 14 and 15 at 7pm & 16 @ 2pm

Doors open 30 minutes prior to show time. Show runs 2 hours (including 1 intermission) $40 

DIRECTED BY: Jeff Braunstein

STARRING: Robin Clipsham, Carrie Schiffler and Jodie Auckland


COSTUMES: Barbara Stronach

PROPS: Emeleigh Stroud

Presented by DOT THE T PRODUCTIONS. A professional theatre company who prides itself on producing poignant, thought-provoking stories, usually with humour, to audiences in and around Muskoka. Contracting local artists, thus keeping the local economics active, is a key component to Dot The T’s mandate.

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Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge

Bake Sale Fundraiser

Dates for Grandma’s cookies

  • Join at at the Christmas Market on Sat Nov 16 at the Lake of Bays Garden Centre

We will be selling 200 dozen cookies, tarts and special squares as a fundraiser for our churches.

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Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge

Stewart Harvest Bazaar- Sat, Oct 12, 1:00-4:00

Join us for the Stewart Harvest Bazaar

  • Saturday, October 12, 2024

  • 1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

  • Stewart Memorial United Church1212 Dwight Beach Road Dwight, ON, P0A 1H0

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Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge

Thank you to our Fundraising Donors

Thank you to everyone who donated to the baskets which were available at the Lake of Bays Garden Centre Fall Harvest Market on Saturday September 21 from 10 to 3.

We appreciate the generous support of our community as we fundraise for our churches.

Those who donated to our churches received a chance to win these beautiful baskets. Here are the contents of each prize.

Bushel Basket #1

Cynthis MacLean - Dorset

2 nights at her Air BnB “Evergreen”

The Moose B&B - Dorset

1 Farmer’s Daughters Wild Blueberry Rhubarb Jam

1 Maple Bluff Farm - Maple Jelly

1 Braswell’s - Fig Preserves

1 Hot Mama’s - Spicy Horseradish

1 Ponti - Gourmet BBQ Saucee

1 SoJamGood - Rhubarb Jam

Dorset Pharmasave

1 Pickelball starter kit for 2

1 Airmax Frisbee ring

1 Dorset long sleeve T-shirt Light Blue

1 pair of Finnish Style Sauna Caps

1 Dorset Baseball Cap - Red

Penny Kiely – Royal LePage Real Estate

2 Boxes Gourmet crackers:

Cranberry Pumpkin Seed

Multigrain Dates

Cedar Creek Gift Shop - Dwight

1 bracelet

1 scarf

1 bag of candy

Jennifer Parker- RE/MAX Real Estate

1 Bottle of Wine

Laundry Basket #2

Dorset Pharmasave:

1 Pair Slipfit water slippers

1 Fireplace Bluetooth Audio Speaker

1 Insulated Water Bottle

1 Dorset Baseball Cap - Navy

1 Dorset long sleeve T-shirt Khaki-green SM

1 Puzzle

Dorset Book Club

1 Book - The Guernsey and Potato Peel Pie Society

The Moose B&B - Dorset

1 Wellesley Apple Butter

1 Johnston’s Cranberry Sauce

2 Lindt dark Chocolate bars

1 Natural Honey

Webster’s Beacon – Dwight

1 Gift certificate for a pizza

Clark’s On Main - Dorset

2 Tofino Towels

1 Gourmet chocolate bars

1 small candle – Scent: Hidden Lake

1 Diffuser

Dorset Heritage Museum:

1 2025 calendar

Ardith Symmes Yoga:

1 Puzzle

1 bag Reese’s Thin Peanut Butter cups

The Dorset Theatre Troupe

2 Gourmet chocolate bars

Jennifer Parker- RE/MAX Real Estate

1 Bottle of Wine

Bushel Basket #3

Dorset TimberMart

1 Tool Belt

1 Hammer

1 Measuring Tape

Clark’s On Main

1 Puzzle

1 Gourmet chocolate bars

1 Set of 4 Coasters

Robinson’s General Store

1 Bags of candy

DCPF: The Dorset Community Partnership Fund:

1 crocheted TV throw

United Church UCW – United Church Women

1 tea towel

Pizza On Earth

1 certificate for a free pizza

Hollow River Resort

1 $50.00 gift certificate

Erika’s – Bakery in Dwight

2 Gift Certificates

2 mugs

Wild Muskoka:

1 Sumac Infused Vinegar

1 White Pine and Rosemary Roasting Salt.

Stares in Dorset

1 puzzle

Jennifer Parker- RE/MAX Real Estate

1 Bottle of Wine

Crate #4

Dwight Trading Post

1 TV throw

1 puzzle – picture of Dwight dock!

The Old Palmer House

1 Decorative throw pillow

Henrietta’s Pine Bakery

2 Gift Certificates

2 jars of jam


2 small bamboo games

2 containers Cottage Country candy

2 bags Cottage Country Caramel Corn

2 boxes Coffee Crisp and Kit Kat pops

Zachary’s in Dorset

1 gift certificate

SS Bigwin:

1 Book – A Muskoka Century – The Story of the S.S. Bigwin

Lake of Bays Garden Centre

2 bags of flavoured popcorn

Hollow Valley Resort:

1 $50.00 gift certificate

Pizza On Earth

Certificates for free pizza

Dorset Lion’s Club

1 Puzzle

1 Year membership to Dorset Recreation Centre

Jennifer Parker- RE/MAX Real Estate

1 Bottle of Wine

Dwight Market Pharmacy #5

1 gift basket with assorted gourmet treats

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Knox United Church, Knox Community Room Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge Knox United Church, Knox Community Room Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge

Knox Community Room Movie Night

Join us for a Movie Night Thursdays at 6:30 in the Knox Community Room:

July 4 - Kung Fu Panda 1

July 18 - Despicable Me 1

August 1 - The Incredibles

August 15 - Ratatouille

Everyone is welcome. No charge to attend.

Contact: Vina Parker 705-766-1810

We at Knox United Church in Dorset are proud to promote our newly renovated community room. The success of our Revitalization Project enhances and increases the capacity of Knox United Church for community programs. This will continue to make a positive impact on the lives of our church members and the community at large.

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Knox United Church, Knox Community Room Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge Knox United Church, Knox Community Room Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge

Knox Community Room Art Group

Fun and relaxation using the art medium of your choice: acrylic, water colour or…..

Bring your own materials. Materials for beginners will be provided free for the first session.

Join us on July 4, 11, 18, 29 and August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 from 10:00 to 12:00 in the Knox Community Room.

Coffee/tea will be provided. Bring your own mug.

Everyone is welcome. No charge to attend.

Contact: Diana Scott 705-766-1254

We at Knox United Church in Dorset are proud to promote our newly renovated community room. The success of our Revitalization Project enhances and increases the capacity of Knox United Church for community programs. This will continue to make a positive impact on the lives of our church members and the community at large.

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