Stay up to date with news and announcements in and around the church and community.
Greetings and Peace to You All!
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Posted July 21: Annual Roast Beef Supper at Dwight Community Centre! Get your calendar marked!
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posted July 18: Summer Series of Sunday Messages
"This summer our series of Sunday messages is entitled 'Living Life, Living Faith: According to a ______________' This Sunday is the message “According to a Prayer Minister. Do you have something you could share with us? What has your life taught you about faith, and vice versa. Perhaps you learned from your time as a teacher; your time growing up in the church; your hobby as a quilter or handyman. Maybe you have wisdom to share from your travelling or living in another country; your time as a grandparent or your community involvement."
If you might be interested in helping with this, please let Donna know ASAP. Between us there is so much wisdom and life and hope. Let's share it here.Donna phone: 705-571-1992 email:posted July 15: Annual Roast Beef Supper!
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Posted July 11: Seabreeze Community Church BBQ on August 4
please join the Seabreeze Community Church for service (weekly at 10:00 a.m.
until August 25) followed by a free community bbq on August 4posted July 10: August 4, Seabreeze
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posted July 4: Stewart Memorial at Dwight Farmer's Market
Stewart Memorial UCW at Dwight Farmers Market everyTuesday from
10 am to 2 pm until August 27.Garage Sale & BBQ Poster 2019
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posted June 6: Knox Canada Pie Day is coming!
Garage Sale at Pioneer Memorial
July 13
from 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. at Pioneer Memorial there will be a
garage sale! BBQ will be featured at 11- 1 p.m. Come one and all!Seabreeze Spring Cleaning!
Thurs. June 13, 10am - Seabreeze Spring CleaningMeet at the church, bring mops, buckets, favourite cleaning cloths, anything you like using for sweeping
out, etc. to prepare the lovely little church by the lake for it's summer face! Just remember, no electricity, no running water!Kairos Blanket Exercise at Pioneer Memorial
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Thursday, May 30,10:00-12:30, Kairos BlanketExercise, Pioneer Memorial
Pioneer Spring Clean up!
May 29, 9:00 a.m.- Noon there will
be a cleanup. All hands on deck!Services to attend!
Good Friday and Palm Sunday Services:
- Palm Sunday at Pioneer, 10 a.m.
- Palm Sunday at Knox, 11:30 a.m.
- Good Friday at Stewart, 10 a.m.
Easter Sunday Services:
Greet the Son at the Dorset Parkette. 7 a.m. Breakfast at Knox to follow. *There are 3 services for Easter Sunday:Celebrate new life at Pioneer Memorial on Highway 60, Hillside9 a.m.Celebrate new life at Stewart Memorial, Dwight Beach Rd., Dwight10:15 a.m.Celebrate new life at Knox United, Harvey Ave., Dorset 11:30 a.m.
Baby shower for Amy Stannell on Saturday May 4th!
All ladies of the Charge are invited to a baby shower forAmy Stannell and her new son EdwardHosted by Stewart Memorial onSaturday, May 4 at 1:00
at Pioneer Memorial ChurchPot luck lunch(cake and ice cream provided).Gift suggestions include educational books and toysand clothing size 12 months and up.
Easter gifting
To help celebrate Easter, Knox is collecting gift cards to be given to the Health Hub in Dorset for distribution to clients
as needed. Useful cards are for gasoline, grocery stores, drug stores and local stores such as Robinson's and Pharma Save, etc.