Stay up to date with news and announcements in and around the church and community.
Join Us For Christmas Eve Services
Christmas Eve Services at Lake of Bays United Churches
We hope to see you on Christmas Eve which falls on the fourth Sunday of Advent this year.
There are three services on Sunday, December 24
A Combined service of Lessons and Carols at Stewart Memorial on Christmas Eve morning at 10:30 a.m. 1212 Dwight Beach Road, Dwight
Then traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight services in the evening:
Knox United Church 5 p.m. 1012 Harvey Avenue, Dorset
Pioneer Memorial Church 7 p.m. - 2370 Hwy 60 at Hillside
Coffee & Conversation Zoom Wed. Dec 20 @ 10
We hope that you will join us for the Coffee & Conversation Zoom meetings on Wednesday, December 20 at 10 am.
Our minister Rev. Meg Jordan would like to focus on what is most important to you about Christmas.
These Zoom sessions are a chance for people from our three churches in the charge to interact and enjoy some lively discussion and conversation.
OPP Scam Workshop at Pioneer-Sun. Dec 17, 12:30
Keeping Safe In The World Wide Web Lunch & Police Led Discussion
When: Sunday, December 17, 12:30 (after church which is at 11:30, lunch included)
This is a joint service with Knox United Church and the 9:00 service is cancelled. Stewart, in Dwight will have their 10:15 service as usual.
We are all vulnerable to scams and cyber attacks which can result in a loss of your time, money or even your identity. An OPP officer will speak to us about the steps we can take to keep us secure.
Come for lunch and a presentation to learn about simple solutions that protect us from on-line and telephone scams.
Pioneer Church Hall, #2370 Hwy 60, at Hillside
Sacred Circle Dance at Pioneer-Oct 19, Nov 23, Dec 21, 6:30-8:00
We are offering Sacred Circle Dance as an enjoyable way to connect with one another and the Spirit through simple movement to music from around the world. Thursday, October 19, Thursday, November 23, Thursday, December 21, 2023 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
Rev. Meg Jordan and Star will lead our Circle Dance group. We dance for our own relaxation, joy, growth, awareness and healing, for global peace and earth healing, knowing it makes a difference.
All ages, culture, gender, spiritual beliefs are welcome. Please come dressed in comfortable clothing and be prepared to move gently and joyfully and prayerfully.
Pioneer Church Hall, #2370 Hwy 60, at Hillside
Coffee & Conversation Zoom Wed. Dec 6 @10
We hope that you will join us for the Coffee & Conversation Zoom meetings on Wednesday, December 6 at 10 am.
Our minister Rev. Meg Jordan would like to focus on getting to know one another and find out what people want or need from our conversations.
These Zoom sessions are a chance for people from our three churches in the charge to interact and enjoy some lively discussion and conversation.
Knox Bake Sale-Sat Dec 9, 10-12:30
Knox United Church Bake Sale
Saturday December 9, 2023
10:00-12:30 (or until sold out)
Pies $15, Butter Tarts $12 for 6, and Assorted Baked Goods- Cash Only Please
At Knox United Church- 1012 Harvey Ave, Dorset ON
Remembrance Day Reflections, Nov 11, 10:45 at Dorset Pavilion
Remembrance Day Reflections
Meet at the Dorset Pavilion on Saturday November 11 at 10:45.
Refreshments to follow at Dorset United Church- 1012 Harvey Ave, Dorset ON
Knox Bake Sale-Sat Oct 7, 10-12:30
Knox United Church Bake Sale
Saturday October 7, 2023
10:00-12:30 (or until sold out)
Pies $15, Butter Tarts $12 for 6, and Assorted Baked Goods- Cash Only Please
At Knox United Church- 1012 Harvey Ave, Dorset ON
Stewart Harvest Bazaar-Sat October 7, 1:00-4:00
Stewart Memorial Harvest Bazaar
Saturday October 7, 2023
1212 Dwight Beach Road, Dwight ON
Intro to Sacred Circle Dance at Pioneer-Sept 14, 6:30
We are offering an introduction to Sacred Circle Dance as an enjoyable way to connect with one another and the Spirit through simple movement to music from around the world.
Our leader will be Martha Lamon a former resident of Hillside on Penn Lake and a co-leader with Rev. Meg of a Circle Dance group that gathered many years ago at Trinity United Church.
All are welcome. Please come dressed in comfortable clothing and be prepared to move gently and joyfully and prayerfully.
Pioneer Church Hall, #2370 Hwy 60, at Hillside
Thursday September 14, 6:30
Cancelled-Camp Awesome-Bees For Peace Summer Camp, Aug 8-11, 2023
We are sorry that we are cancelling the Bees For Peace Summer Camp. We hope to offer the camp in 2024.
Kids and youth ages 5-12 are welcome to join our 4-day summer camp.
We will learn about native bees and gardens and how they relate to life of Earth. Gain knowledge about the hidden community that we live with: the pollinators! Fun, games and activities. Strengthen our connection to community, spirituality and nature!
Date- Cancelled
Time- Cancelled
Location- Pioneer Memorial United Church, 2370 Hwy 60, Hillside, ON P0A 1H0
In partnership with the ministry of Rev Jeffrey Dale of Shining Waters Region and Carrie Doh of Bees for Peace, Lake of Bays Camp Awesome will be holding a short summer morning camp during the week right after the long weekend at the beginning of August. Mark these days on your calendar. More information will be coming very soon. It's the perfect moment for Muskoka grandparents to extend that long weekend visit with the grandkids. They will have a wonderful fun-filled, spirited, buzzing, learning experience with other kids in the morning and then you will have afternoons free with them for swimming and canoeing and hiking and boardgames and all the other wonderful summer stuff we do here in Muskoka.
Let's join together to save the bees and work with them to pollinate our world.
Sunday Open House July 9, 2023
Sunday Open House at Church- Sunday, July 9, 2023
Each of our churches will have an Open House with all members and visitors welcome!
Pioneer at 9:00 - Faith In Action
We will have an informal gathering in the Church Hall with Reflections and Sharing about how our faith is evident in our family, church and community. Refreshments will be served.
Stewart at 10:15 - Open House
Learn about our history, stained glass windows and cemetery. Join us for coffee, tea, and strawberries
Knox at 10:30 - 12:00- The Life Of Knox In The Community
There will be artifacts, a slide show, photos albums and Reflections at 11:30 - Refreshments available
Come to learn about our Churches and Community and our Faith!
Steward Canada Day Bazaar July 1, 10-1
Stewart United Church Canada Day Bazaar
Saturday July 1, 2023
10:00 - 1:00
Baking, Jam, Crafts, Books
Knox Bake-Sat July 1, 10-12:30
Knox United Church Bake Sale
Saturday July 1, 2023
10:00-12:30 (or until sold out)
Pies $15, Butter Tarts $12 for 6, and Assorted Baked Goods- Cash Only Please
At Knox United Church- 1012 Harvey Ave, Dorset ON
Easter Services
Good Friday April 7, 10:30 am at Pioneer United Church
Easter Sunrise Sunday, April 9, 7:00 am in the Pioneer parking lot
Easter Sunday Breakfast 7:30-8:30 am at Pioneer
Easter Sunday Celebration 9:00 am at Pioneer
Easter Sunday Knox service 11:30
Stewart United will join the other services and not open until the Annual Meeting on Sunday April 30 at 10:30. After that we return to 3 services- Pioneer at 9:00 am, Stewart at 10:15 and Knox at 11:30
Knox Snowball Bake-Sat Feb 18, 10-3
Snowball Bake Sale
Saturday February 18
10:00-3:00 (or until sold out)
Pies, Tarts and all kinds of Goodies
Coffee, Tea and Hot Chocolate
At Knox United Church
Harvey Ave, Next to the Post Office
Support our Fundscrip Campaign
The Lake of Bays United Churches have successfully initiated a Fundscrip Campaign where we are able to raise money for the church simply by the spending we do every week for our everyday needs. You receive 100% of the card's value and our churches receive a small % for your support.
We're pretty excited about the possibilities here if all our members become involved. The invitation code to get into the program is 7AG2BG. Or just click on the following link
LOB Pastoral Charge has been added to FundScrip
You'll be hearing lots more about this and all your questions are welcome. We are ready to provide you with all the help you need to get going with this.
Winter Joint Sunday Services at Pioneer at 10:30
Each Sunday until Easter, there will be a single Sunday Service at 10:30 at Pioneer United Church, 2370 Highway 60, Hillside.
Everyone is welcome!